Quick and easy insect flour

edible crickets

Cricket flour, also known as cricket powder, can be prepared using ground up crickets. Mealworms and Superworms can also be made into a protein rich flour. Since edible insects flour does not contain starch, it will need to be mixed with traditional flour if  used for baking. The same process applies to crickets and worms. We recommend scalding the insects in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Then rinse in cold water and drain well. The edible insects are now ready to be roasted and then ground into flour in a food processor.To roast them, space them out either directly on a slightly oiled baking tray or on a baking sheet. We find a lower temperature works best (around 200C for 20min), but be aware they they can burn easily and you will need to keep an eye on them and turn them over with a wooden spoon every few minutes.