Dried Edible Insects FAQs
Do you deliver beyond Greater London ?
Yes, we deliver dried edible insects UK-wide, making it easy for you to enjoy sustainable, protein-packed insects no matter where you are in the United Kingdom.
How do I place an order ?
You can purchase dried edible insects directly from our website. For those looking to book a full venue for an edible insect cookery class or a team-building event in London, or to arrange an educational visit to your site, please use our contact form to check availability.
Are edible insects safe to eat ?
Absolutely! Our edible insects are sourced from verified suppliers to ensure they are safe for consumption. They are raised on a natural diet, free of hormones, antibiotics, chemicals, and anything artificial. Not only are they safe, but they are also highly nutritious, containing a rich profile of micro and macronutrients.
How are edible insects killed ?
The most humane method of processing edible insects involves starving them for at least 24 hours to empty their digestive systems, followed by refrigeration to put them into hibernation. Afterward, the insects are either dried or roasted and ground into a powder, ensuring they are safe for consumption.
What kind of insects can humans eat ?
Over 1,900 insect species are recognized as edible by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The most common edible insects include crickets, mealworms, locusts, ants, beetles, and termites. Some of these protein-packed insects are used in various unusual cooking experiences in London, allowing you to explore sustainable food options.
Are edible insects safe for people with food allergies?
People allergic to seafood, crustaceans and dust mites are most likely also allergic to insects. Also please note that the edible insects are sometimes fed wheat bran, cereals and soy, hence we do not recommend them if you have a gluten or soy allergy.
What do edible insects eat?
The insects are fed a healthy diet of grains , porridge , green leaves, fruitĀ and root vegetables.
Is eating insects healthy ?
Insects are so genetically different to humans, so that they are unlikely to transmit disease when eaten. Edible insects contain high quality protein, vitamins , iron , omega and amino acids. Not only are they and healthy food choice but eating insects instead of meat, if also good for the planet. In fact Insects have a high food conversion rate, e.g. crickets need six times less feed than cattle, four times less than sheep, and twice less than pigs and broiler chickens to produce an equivalent amount of protein. Besides, they emit less greenhouse gases and ammonia than conventional livestock.
What do edible insects taste like ?
The taste of edible insects is unique! The flavour varies depending on how they’re prepared. For example:
- Mealworms have a nutty flavour.
- Crickets offer a taste somewhere between fishy and earthy.
Whether you’re cooking with them fresh, roasted, or ground into flour, edible insects provide a delightful twist for any dish.
Are edible insects kosher ?
The kosher status of edible insects can be debated, so we recommend consulting with your Rabbi if you’re unsure. Based on Leviticus 11, insects like locusts, crickets, and grasshoppers are considered kosher, though some winged insects that walk on all fours are not.
Are edible insects halal ?
The halal status of edible insects is also a topic of debate. We suggest checking with your Imam for confirmation. Our research indicates that only locusts are considered halal.
Can vegan eat insects ?
While edible insects are not technically vegan or vegetarian, some vegan and vegetarians choose to eat them due to their environmental and sustainability benefits. Insects have a much lower environmental impact compared to traditional meat sources, making them an eco-friendly protein option for those seeking a more sustainable diet.